A Cosmic Anomaly is a hidden site in space, guarded by a faction of pirates, a group of Rogue Drones, or even ancient Sleeper Drones (inwormhole space). Capsuleers can find and eliminate the hostiles inside, often in exchange for a CONCORD bounty or in order to collect valuable salvage from the wreckage. Cosmic Anomalies can be found using a ship's on-board scanner or by use of scan probes. While they are not as difficult as their Cosmic Signature counterparts, Cosmic Anomaly encounters are significantly easier to find, and can still give substantial rewards. There is a low possibility of a Pirate Faction Commander appearing within an Anomaly, carrying special faction modules. Furthermore, when destroyed, hostile ships within the Anomalies will occasionally leave behind clues which will "escalate" the Anomaly: leading to a new location with greater potential rewards. When an Escalation occurs, information about the new site will appear in the expeditions tab of the Mission Journal. In Null-security systems, certain infrastructure upgrades may increase the rate at which Anomalies can appear. Unlike Cosmic Signatures, Anomalies do not appear in a Deadspace zone and, thus, allow the use of MicroWarpdrives.
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Cosmic Anomalies can be found without any extra modules and skills by using the on-board scanner equipped in every ship other than capsules. The on-board scanner scans nearby space within 64 AU for Cosmic Anomalies and returns the results immediate of scanning. One can also utilize scan probes to find Anomalies, only one probe is required for Anomalies and it will provide a warp-in point for any Anomalies within its scan range, making it easier to find all Anomalies within a system. Please consult this Scanning Guide for detailed instructions on using scan probes.
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