суббота, 14 мая 2016 г.


There are 10 different classifications of Cosmic Anomaly, ranging in difficulty from easy (class 1) to hard (class 10). Among these, Anomalies of certain classes appear in 4 different levels, which seem to indicate increasing difficulty from Level 1 (easiest) to Level 4 (hardest) For example, an Angel Hideaway would be easier than an Angel Forsaken Hideaway, both of which are easier than an Angel Hidden Hub.
Cosmic AnomaliesLevels
Class(Faction) NameRogue Drone Variant1234
1(Faction) <Level> HideawayDrone ClusterHiddenForsakenForlorn
2(Faction) BurrowDrone Collection
3(Faction) RefugeDrone Assembly
4(Faction) <Level> DenDrone GatheringHiddenForsakenForlorn
5(Faction) YardDrone Surveillance
6(Faction) <Level> Rally PointDrone MenagerieHiddenForsakenForlorn
7(Faction) PortDrone Herd
8(Faction) <Level> HubDrone SquadHiddenForsakenForlorn
9(Faction) HavenDrone Patrol
10(Faction) SanctumDrone Horde
High Sec · High & Low Sec · Low Sec · Low & Null Sec · Null Sec
It's not uncommon to find the same type of Anomaly Class with different Levels located in the same system. For example - (Faction) Hideaway, (Faction) Hidden Hideaway, (Faction) Forsaken Hideaway and (Faction) Forlorn Hideaway can all spawn in the same system along with other types of Anomaly Class.

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